Audi / A6 (4B) / 46 - comfort system / Adaptation of remote control device

Mark Model Control unit Diagnostic operation
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Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Diagnostic procedure

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- MAX number of keys = X

remote control - programming

unlock the vehicle from the exterior via the driver’s door
switch on the ignition

connect with the control unit XX - Comfort system

XX - Measured values group XXX
required values:
field X = number of allocated controllers and their positions
for instance: XXXX = X remote control - position X

lock the car mechanically from the driver side and from the exterior

press UNLOCK on the new key within X seconds several times until you jump to the next memory position
((if the value in field X is XXXX, you must press the button Xx, to store the key to memory at position X))

upon pressing the button, the vehicle confirms reception of signal, e.g. blinking lights, horn, etc

wait XXs

press UNLOCK button

remove the ignition key

press the LOCK and UNLOCK button on the new key

Insert the new key into the ignition at ignition ON position (do not Start the engine)

connect with the control unit XX - Comfort system

XX - Measured values group XXX

the value in field X for this example should be XXXX, which means that the old key is retained at position X and the new key is at position X

always ensure that the new keys are coded to a free memory position (to positions, where group XXX in field X shows X)
if an occupied position is used (this is discernible according to no. X); the controller coded at this position earlier shall no longer function

XX - end of communication

deletion of learned control devices

connect with the control unit XX - Comfort system

XX - Measured values group XXX
required values:
field X = number of allocated controllers and their positions
for instance: XXXX = X remote control - position X

lock the car mechanically from the driver side and from the exterior

press the unlock button on the remote control device Xx at one second intervals

wait for X seconds and then press the unlock button of the remote control device once again to confirm the deletion procedure

all the memory points are now deleted, it should no longer be possible to control the central locking system with the remote control device

Created on: XX.XX.XXXX XX:XX:XX (hnz) Copyright © XXXX-XXXX, AutoComSoft Ltd All rights reserved.

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